HDL Energy is a fast growing multinational project developer and trading firm focused on the low carbon energy transition and creating a more sustainable global economy

We are a growing team of leaders, traders, operational and financial experts working together to help your company in the Climate Action and Carbon Market field to meet your business objectives and be successful.



  • Deep Knowledge of the Environmental Markets

    • Broad ranging and indepth knowledge across national, regional and international markets.
    • Detailed experience across multiple asset classes with compliance and voluntary instruments
    • HDL’s team benefits 10+ years of trading, research and consulting experience with Vertis, MOL, STX, Vitol, J.P. Morgan, UNFCCC, The World Bank and other multilateral agencies.
  • Wide Network of Asset Owners & Project Developers

    • Long term relationships formed in differing regions create the basis of an underlying portfolio and allows development of highly valued and in demand Emissions Reduction (ER) credits
    • Multiple asset owners allow wide scale coverage and diversifies risk
    • Strong network of project developers aid market leading approach and highlights opportunities in advance.
  • Staff Experience & Expertise

    • A highly skilled personnel base with vast market, product and developmental expertise, delivering:
    • Strong origination and project development capabilities
    • Comparative commercial and trading strength relative to larger organizations
    • Robust risk management, governance and oversight.
  • Global Market Reach

    • Historic and existing business conducted globally (EU and US markets)
    • Significant experience of developing projects in challenging environments (Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, PRC, etc.)
    • Continuous regulatory focus, enabling tailored ER development offering higher marginality, greater benefits and hence greater environmental impact.
  • Trading Expertise

    • Wide ranging and transferrable trading experience gained from the energy sectors over the last 25+ years.
    • Specialized carbon, ER knowledge and trading acquired in the last 5 years.
    • Existing financing frameworks and support functions provide a strong advantage when compared to traditional project developers.

Areas of Activity

HDL Energy operates 3 types of activities across the Emission Reduction and Renewable Energy Markets, which represent a vertical integration of the carbon offset production chain:

  • Trading on the Compliance, Voluntary & Renewable Energy Markets:

    We buy and sell issued primary or secondary offsets on exchanges, through brokers, or directly from project owners.

    The bulk of our trading activity is governed by Emission Reduction Purchase Agreements (ERPAs) – an industry-standard under English law.

  • Project Development & Financing:

    Under this activity, we finance and manage all the steps required to ensure that a sustainable operation can generate and value carbon offsets on international markets.

    We actively participate in these projects, and work together with other stakeholders to optimize carbon revenue.

  • Carbon Footprint Calculation & Voluntary Emissions Offsetting:

    We provide analysis of the emitted Greenhouse Gases and help to calculate and understand current carbon footprint.

    Using internationally-recognized protocols, we will assess the so-called Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions across your activity.

Compliance & Voluntary markets

The Emission Reduction universe is mainly composed of compliance markets that pave the way for the growth of the voluntary markets.

There can be some fungibility between voluntary and compliance offsets, but the two classifications typically denote the end-user of the offset.

  • Compliance offsets are issued by the governing body of an industrial emitter program and are bought by regulated emitters for their compliance.
  • Voluntary offsets are issued through offset registries that are to be voluntarily used by a corporation against their own emissions to make their operations or products more sustainable or carbon neutral.

An offset or carbon credit is a tradeable unit representing one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent reduced, avoided, or removed. Offsets can be used for voluntary purposes, to meet a net-zero target for example, or for compliance under an industrial emitter regulatory program where applicable (like in California or China).

Carbon offsets prices are expected to converge across jurisdictions, and all will follow an increasing trajectory as marginal abatement costs rise. This said, currently an array of very different offsets coexists, each subset having their own characteristics and pricing fundamentals.

Contact us

We would love to hear from you at HDL Energy. If you are interested in learning more about our services or have any questions about how we can help you with your low carbon energy transition goals, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.


26, Almas Tower Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates